Thursday, January 28, 2010
Disappearing Act
I'm sorry...WHAT?!?
Sounds crazy, doesn't it? But stop and think about it for a minute. Can Christians disappear? Can we seem 'invisible' to some people? I think we can....
Let's see if Jesus disappears in this scene: After calling Matthew to "follow Him", Jesus goes to his house to have dinner. But Jesus and Matthew weren't the only ones there. Scripture tells us that He dined with tax collectors and "sinners". The Pharisees were confused as to why Jesus was eating with such people. When Jesus heard this, His reply was this: "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick....For I have come not to call the righteous, but sinners" Matthew 9:13.
So many times, I think we tend to blend in or "disappear" among people. We aren't called to trust in Jesus and then spend the rest of our lives hanging out around all the other Christians. We have been commissioned to go out into the world, making disciples. You don't make a disciple out of someone who has the same mission as you. This means that we have to go out to places that we may "stick out". People need to know by our attitudes, our speech and our actions, that we are different... that we are "visible" Christians.
Do you need a magician to make you "reappear"???
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I Had A Bad Day
I read a church sign one time that said "If God puts you on hold, don't hang up." I'm reminded of an episode of one of my favorite TV shows, "Friends", where one of the characters stays on the phone for several days because, "'re call is very important to us!" All you want to do is get on with your life but it seems like you'll never get out of your "holding" pattern. All you want to do is ask God, "What exactly are you doing? Why am I where I am? Is what I'm doing really helping to further Your kingdom? Why do you still have me on hold?"
As I was thinking about this yesterday, a still small voice reminded me of Adam and Eve. Before the garden incident, they were naked and unashamed. They didn't have to hide from anyone. (Well, the only other person around was God and He created them that way). But then, they had a bad reaction to a red, delicious apple. They realized that they were naked and hid... from God.
What are you ashamed of? Sometimes things in our lives don't make sense and some things we're not proud of them. But God gives us this verse: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5." God very clearly speaks to us in that verse. Trust in Him, and don't try to understand. We most likely never will understand. And even though that is a tough lesson to learn, it's OK! God knows what He's doing and He will use us the way He made us to be used!
Now, I can rest until Tuesday...then it's back to work!!!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
It's Not About You
I am currently reading a book called I Can't See God...'Cause I'm In The Way. Today's chapter was about how we look at how Scripture is relevent to our lives today. Take, for example, 1 Samuel 17... the story of and unlikely hero, David and his adversary, Goliath. Let's start with Mr. Superhero, David. What was that? David wasn't a superhero? I'm sorry, I just thought... I mean, when I've read it before, that's always how I saw him. And what about Goliath? It's just rude to actually prepare to fight a little boy with a slingshot. I mean, come on. You can't be serious? But isn't that your typical underdog story?
But whose story is it, really? I think that sometimes we look at what's in the foreground of Scripture in an effort to apply it to our lives. Sure, David had confidence that the Lord was going to deliver this giant into his hands. And of course, God does want us to take that away from the put all of our confidence in Him. But the real hero here was God, not David! He had this from the beginning. He knew what the outcome of this fight was going to be even if David believed it or not.
So keep that in mind the next time you are reading a passage of Scripture that seems to make absolutely no sense whatsoever and seems to have no relevance to your life. Look at it from God's point-of-view. I believe that God gives us these passages so that we are reminded that "it's not about us"... It's ALL about Him!
Monday, January 4, 2010
While I'm Waiting...
Are you waiting on something? Is there something that you don't have and that you want that everyone else around you seems to be able to get with no problem at all? Well, for me, that would be a child... It seems so hard sometimes when you want something so badly and it never comes. It's hard to wait on the Lord.
I was reading in a book today about prayer and how sometimes you don't feel like praying specifically for something because God already knows what you want. You don't want to "pester" Him with prayers because He is already aware of your desires. The author gave the reference of Luke 18: 2-5: "...yet because this widow bothers me, I will give her legal protection, otherwise by continually coming, she will wear me out." Does this mean that I will ever wear God out with my comtinued prayers for a child? No! It is just a demonstration of how God wants us to come to Him with specific needs and desires.
So, back to the song... The chorus says it all: "While I'm waiting, I will serve you , while I'm waiting, I will trust you!" If you've been waiting on something that never seems to come, just remember to keep bringing your prayers to the feet of Jesus no matter how long it takes. And always serve Him and trust Him, no matter what the outcome is!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
A Mirror Image
The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them. Genesis 3:21.
Adam and Eve had just sinned and realized that they were, in fact, naked. So what does God do? "Let there be clothes"? No, I don't think so. An animal had to die. A sacrifice had to be made so that they would have something to wear. This small passage of Scripture is like a mirror image of God's plan. He knew that eventually He was going to have to send His own son into the world to rescue sinners like you and me...
...Lord, I thank You for sending Your only son to die on a cross so that I may spend eternity with You...
Friday, January 1, 2010
A Brand New Start
What are some of the "firsts" you want to see this year? To hold your first child? (That one's mine!) A first time reading all the way through the Bible? (Also mine!) Whatever it is, just know that if we go to God first, that He will be able to help us achieve these "firsts" in our lives! Please join with me as we go to our Father in prayer and ask that He will bless us this year and that He will guide us on our ways to finally exeperience our "firsts"!